Make Math Work

Usage: Add Number_1, Number_2, ... Number_N

The Add command will add up to seven numbers and will display the addition in column form. If carries are necessary, the carries will be displayed at the top of the display using red digits.

If a decimal point is used in an addend, all of the other addends will be rewritten to reflect the same number of decimal places. For example, adding 123.25 and 34 will cause 123.25 and 34.00 to be displayed. Try it: Add 123.25, 34

Up to seven(7) numbers can be added. Examples:
Add 2, 5 returns a sum of 7.
Add 2, 5, 9, 12 returns a result of 28. Note the carry into the 10’s column.
Add 25, 1.75 returns a result of 26.75. Note that two decimal places were added to the 25 to be displayed as 25.00.

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