Make Math Work

Usage: Clock [Add | Subtract] hh:mm:ss [, hh:mm:ss]

The Clock command will show the time you enter on an analog clock face, for example, try  Clock 10:05:20.

Using Add and two time entries will add the two times and display the result on the clock face. Using Subtract and two time entries will subtract the second time entered from the first time entered and display the result on the clock face.

Hours must be no greater than 12. Minutes and seconds must be no greater than 60. If they are, multiples of 12 for hours and multiples of 60 for minutes and seconds will be discarded until these rules are satisfied. For example, entering Clock 13:100:247 will display the time 01:40:07 since 12 was discarded from the hours (13 - 12 = 1), 60 was discarded from the minutes (100 - 60 = 40), and 240 (four multiples of 60, 247 - 240 = 7) was discarded from the seconds.

Clock 12:35 displays a clock showing 12 hours, 35 minutes and no seconds.
Clock Add 12:35:05, 01:02:03 displays a time of 01:37:08.
Clock Subtract 12:35:05, 01:02:03 displays a time of 11:33:02.

 Try It   
 Enter the number of hours:  
 Enter the number of minutes:  
 Enter the number of seconds: