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Usage: Compare Expression_1, Expression_2

The Compare command will compare two numbers and determine if the two numbers are equal to each other, and if not, will determine which number is larger. For example, to compare 25 and 30, enter Compare 25, 30. The result will be returned as 25 < 30. This tells you that 25 is less than 30. The symbols used are:
<less than
>greater than
=is equal to

You can compare fractions by entering the fraction enclosed with square brackets. For example, to compare 1/7 and 1/8, enter Compare [1/7], [1/8]. The result will be returned as 1/7 > 1/8. Using the square brackets keeps the fractional representation, otherwise it would be converted to a decimal. For example, entering Compare 1/8, [1/8] will return a result of 0.125 = 1/8.

Compare 5 * 5, 100 / 4 returns 25 = 25.
Compare 333/465, 239/334 >d4 returns 0.7161 > 0.7160.
Compare [333/465], [239/334] returns 111/155 > 239/334.

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