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Usage: Divide [remainder | decimal] Number_1, Number_2

The Divide command performs long division. You have the choice showing the result either in decimal form or in remainder form.

The number being divided is called the dividend; the number being divided by is called the divisor. The result of the division is called the quotient.

Perform a remainder division by specifying the word remainder, for example, Divide Remainder 98, 3. The remainder portion will be displayed to the right of the letter R in the quotient.

Perform a decimal division by specifying the word decimal. If no specification is made, decimal form is assumed.

If a decimal point is used in either number, the other number will be rewritten to reflect the appropriate number of decimal places.

If the quotient is a repeating decimal the repeating portion will be displayed with a black line above it. Try: Divide 100, 3

Divide 100, 8 returns a quotient of 12.5.
Divide Remainder 100, 3 returns a quotient of 33 R 3. Note the remainder is preceded by the letter R.
Divide Decimal 100, 16 returns a quotient of 6.25. Note the word 'Decimal' is optional.

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 Enter the dividend:  
 Enter the divisor:  
 Select either Decimal or Remainder: Decimal Remainder