Make Math Work
Usage: FracToDec Fraction_1
Frac2Dec Fraction_1
FractionToDecimal Fraction_1

The FracToDec command will convert a fraction into its decimal representation. The fraction must be entered in the form: numerator / denominator.

To convert any fraction to a decimal, enter the decimal you wish to convert in place of Fraction_1, for example, FracToDec 1/4.

If the decimal representation of the entered fraction is a repeating decimal, it will be displayed with a bar above the repeating portion.

To convert decimals to fractions use DecToFrac.

FracToDec 5/20 returns .25.
FracToDec 1/6 returns .16 with a bar above the 6.
FracToDec 100/4 returns 25.