Make Math Work
Usage: Matrix [ Addition | Inversion | Multiplication | Subtraction ] Matrix_1, Matrix_2

Matrix Multiplication 2x3:r1c1;r1c2;r2c1;r2c2;r3c1;r3c2, 3x2:r1c1;r1c2;r1c3;r2c1;r2c2;r2c3

The Matrix command will perform operations on matrices. You can add, subtract, multiply, and find the inverse.

A Matrix expression is formed by:
1. Type the dimensions in the format Rows x Columns with no spaces.
2. Type in a colon (:)
3. Type in the elements of the matrix from left to right, top to bottom separated by a semicolon.

For a example, this 2 by 3 matrix:

would be expressed as:
1. Rows (2) and columns(3) separated by an 'x': 2x3
2. Followed by a colon(:): 2x3:
3. Followed by the matrix elements from left to right, top to bottom, each separated by a semicolon(;): 2x3:1;2;3;4;5;6

Adds two matrices of the same dimension:
Matrix Addition 2x2:1;2;3;4, 2x2:5;6;7;8 returns a 2x2 matrix of 6, 8, 10, and 12.


If a single number is used instead of a matrix expression, MakeMathWork will consider that expression to be a scalar.
Multiply a matrix by a scalar:
Matrix Multiplication 2, 2x3:1;2;3;4;5;6 returns a 2x3 matrix of the scalar multiplication.
Multiply two matrices:
Matrix Multiplication 2x2:1;2;3;4, 2x3:1;2;3;4;5;6 returns a 2x3 matrix of the matrix multiplication.

Subtracts two matrices of the same dimension:
Matrix Subtraction 2x2:1;2;3;4, 2x2:5;6;7;8 returns a 2x2 matrix of 6, 8, 10, and 12.

Matrix Addition 2x2:1;2;3;4, 2x2:5;6;7;8 returns a 2x2 matrix of 6, 8, 10, and 12.
Matrix Multiplication 2, 2x3:1;2;3;4;5;6 returns a 2x3 matrix of the scalar multiplication.
Matrix Multiplication 2x2:1;2;3;4, 2x3:1;2;3;4;5;6 returns a 2x3 matrix of the matrix multiplication.