Make Math Work
Usage: Percent [ Amount | Base | Of | Percent] Number_1, Number_2

Percent is used to make calculations using percents. You can calculate using all of the variations of this percent formula:
Base x Percent = Amount
For example, you can solve the problem: what amount is 75% of 200? It would be set up: Percent 200, 75 and would return a result of 150 because 75% of 200 = 150. This is the default use of the Percent keyword. The same result can be obtained by including the word of, for example, Percent Of 200, 75 returns the same result: 150.

A percent is simply the number of the percent divided by 100. So, 75% is 75/100.
Percents and amounts and associated using the Percent Formula:
the Percent / 100 x the Base = the Amount The Base represents the original amount and the Amount represents the result Amount.
To find what amount is 45% of 180 using the Percent Formula: 45 / 100 x 180 = 81. To find what amount was used at 45% to arrive at 81, we can still use the Percent Formula: 45 / 100 x ? = 81, and by rearranging: 81 / (45 / 100) = 180 When using percents, the word "of" means to multiply. So, 75% of 200 means to multiply 75% by 200. It can be rewritten as 75% x 200. Since 75% means 75/100, it can be rewritten again as 75/100 x 200. You can confirm that by contrasting Percent 75, 200 with Calculate 200 * 75/100 or Calculate 200 * PercentToDecimal( 75 )

Base Using the word Base with the Percent command rearranges the formula to calculate the base when the Percent and the Amount are known. It uses the formula Amount / Percent = Base. For example, Percent Base 150, 75 returns 200, since 150/75% = 200.

Percent Using the word Percent with the Percent command rearranges the formula to calculate the percent when the Base and the Amount are known. It uses the formula Amount / Base = Percent. For example, Percent Percent 150, 200 will return the result of 75%.

Enter the percent without a "%" symbol. Percent 200, 75% is incorrect and will cause an error.

What's the difference between Percent and Percent?
Percent works with static amounts, that is, there is no change in the amounts.
Percentage works with changes in amounts such as an increase or decrease.
For example, Percent 75,120 returns an amount of 80, because 80 is 75% of 120.
Percent 80,120 returns 75%, for the same reason that 80 is 75% of 120.

Percent 900, 25 returns 225.
Percent Amount 900, 25 returns 225.
Percent Base 225,25 returns 900.
Percent Percent 225, 900 returns 25%.