Make Math Work

Usage: Subtract Number_1, Number_2

The Subtract command will subtract two numbers and will display the subtraction in column form. If borrowing is necessary, the borrowing will be displayed at the top of the display using red digits, with the original digits crossed out, but still visible.

The first number, the number to be subtracted from, is called the minuend. The second number, the number being subtracted, is called the subtrahend. The result of a subtraction is called the difference.

The Subtract command will subtract decimal numbers; simply include the decimal point. All entered numbers will be padded with zeroes if necessary so they all contain the same number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

A subtraction operation usually subtracts a smaller amount from a larger amount. Make Math Work will allow you to subtract a larger amount from a smaller amount resulting in a negative difference; if you do, no borrowing will be displayed.

Subtract 5, 2 returns a difference of 3.
Subtract 12, 5 returns a difference of 7. Note the borrows displayed at the top of the problem.
Subtract 25, 1.75 returns a result of 23.25. Note that 25 was displayed as 25.00.
Subtract 1.75, 25 returns a difference of -23.25. Note that no borrowing is displayed because of the negative difference.

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