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Usage: Volume Solid Number 1 [, Number 2, Number 3, Number 4]

The Volume command will calculate the volume of various solids. The name of the solid follows the Volume keyword, for example, Volume Sphere 2.

The different solids require different numbers of parameters, for example, a sphere needs one parameter: its radius, while a cylinder needs two parameters: its radius and its height.

This is a list of the solids, their formulas, and the command syntax:

Cone 1/3Πr2hVolume Cone radius, height
Cylinder Πr2hVolume Cylinder radius, height
Rectangular Prism lwhVolume RectangularPrism length, width, height
Square Pyramid 1/3b2hVolume SquarePyramid base, height
Triangular Prism 1/2bhlVolume TriangularPrism base, height, length
Sphere 4/3Πr3Volume Sphere radius

Volume Cone 2, 3 returns and area of 12.5663706143592.
Volume RectangularPrims 2.5, 3, 4 returns an area of 30.
Volume_TriangularPrism 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 returns an area of 1.5.